I was looking for a dessert which is simple and healthy for today and what came to my mind was Parfait. But the day was Mexican themed and I didn't want to deviate for the dessert part and spoil my theme plan ;) I was looking for similar desserts of Mexican origin, coz I wanted an easy healthy option and has base ingredients which I already have at home. My search for the recipe ended in this great dessert from Mexico, The Fruit Bionico, which resembles parfait in many ingredients, just some difference in some of them. And I found an interesting factor in it and that strengthened my decision to go on with this. Yes, that is nothing but, our own freshly grated coconut :P Bionico is on sweeter side when compared to Parfait because of its sweetner condensed milk. I had my jars saved from Frozen bottle ice cream cakes, and that helped me to give my Bionico that ramp ready look. After the layers were set up, I was going crazy with the photos, as the beauty was looking so pr...